Water Responsibility


We embrace our responsibility to use water as efficiently as possible. In 2018, Coca‑Cola Canada achieved 100% water replenishment by partnering with local organizations and helping improve, restore and replenish waterways and habitats across Canada.  We're also making investments to improve our water use efficiency in our production facilities. 

One drop at a time – How Coca‑Cola reached 100% water replenishment in Canada

Together with our bottling partner, Coca‑Cola Canada Bottling Limited, we can proudly say that 100% of the water used to make our drinks is returned back to nature.

Blue river flowing down stream alongside large green trees

100% of the water used in our drinks is returned to nature

We put back into communities the same amount of water used in our drinks and within our manufacturing process.

A hand cupping under a pipe and collecting water

Our partners are restoring vital ecosystems across Canada

We partner with a number of Canadian organizations to help clean up, preserve and restore vital waterways.

A woman standing in a river cleaning up a broken tree